Diplomate ProgramsRSS

Do you want to specialize in a particular field of Chiropractic? Do you want to add those initials after your name to increase your credibility (Please check with your Chiropractic State Board before advertising any credentials that are beyond your D.C. degree)? There are many Chiropractic Diplomate Programs available. Please select the one below that interests you most. You can also view our list of Chiropractic Colleges that offer these specialty programs.

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D.I.P.A.C. - Currently offered at NYCC, and Texas Chiropractic.

D.A.C.S. - Currently offered at Palmer.

D.A.B.F.E. - Currently offered at National University.

D.A.B.C.I. - Currently available at Logan, National, and Texas.

D.A.C.N.B. - available through Parker and National. or D.I.B.C.N. - available through Palmer, Northwestern, New York, or Southern California.

D.A.C.B.N. - Available through Northwestern, Logan, and Texas.

D.A.C.B.O.H. - Available through Northwestern.

D.A.B.C.O. / D.A.C.O. - available through Palmer, Parker, Northwestern, New York, National, Southern California, and Western States.

D.I.C.P.A. - available through Parker, Northwestern, New York.

D.Ph.C.S. - available only at Palmer.

D.A.C.B.R. - available through Canadian Memorial, Logan, National, Life West, Western States, and Southern California.

D.A.C.R.B. - available through Palmer, Canadian Memorial, Northwestern, Logan, and Southern California.

D.A.C.B.S.P. - available through Palmer, Northwestern, Logan, National, Southern California, and Texas.

D.C.U.C.D. - currently available only through Sherman.

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