Manufacturer's Description:
The Platinum Flexion Elite brings to the healthcare field exciting
features,upgrades, and treatment protocols that are only found on table costing
thousands of dollars more.
The Platinum Flexion Elite allows the pratitioner to not only do full spine
adjusting with standard drops,but flexion, and various modes of rotational and
range of motion therapy.
The Platinum Flexion Elite also introduces RAD, or Remote Access Distracion. RAD
now allows the doctor, by digital remote control, to distract the pelvic section
anywhere from 1/8" to 6" away from center line.The practitioner can distract
enough just to remove loose tissue slack,to more distraction to actually
traction and separate the vertebra. The pelvic sectioncan be moved and left to
doctor specification or can actually be cycled back and forth with just the
touch of two buttons on the RAD digital control module, which clips or unclips
off the removable flexion handle quickly and easily.
Standard Features
Standard Table Dimensions